
Department of Environmental Facilities Hosts 5th Annual Eco Awards

Westchester County Executive George Latimer and Westchester County’s Department of Environmental Facilities (DEF) celebrated Earth Day early by hosting the 5th annual Eco Awards at Glen Island Park in New Rochelle. The Eco Awards recognize outstanding contributions to the environment and sustainability made by residents, students, schools, municipalities, businesses, and other organizations. 

Latimer said: “The initiatives and projects led by the recipients of this year’s Eco Awards have made a significant impact on Westchester County’s environment. These winners range from students to municipalities and organizations that epitomize a dedication to sustainability and community well-being. These achievements inspire all of us to continue to help make Westchester County, and our planet, the best it can be.”

First Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Facilities Louis Vetrone said: “The Department of Environmental Facilities is privileged to host the Eco Awards and recognize the contributions made by this year’s class of exceptional winners. Westchester County continues to be a leader in environmental efforts in large part because of the contributions of the people here today.”

The 2024 Eco Award Winners include:

Greystone Food Scrap Program: For developing a food scrap recycling program at The Greystone Co-op, which resulted in diverting 8 tons of food scraps from the waste stream in 2023.