Senior Citizens Tax Exemption Amended
By Stephen E. Lipken
At the beginning of the Town/Village of Harrison Board of Directors meeting on March 20, Supervisor Richard Dionisio requested a moment of silence for Judge Pasquale Gizzo’s mother, Carmela Gizzo, who passed away on March 14.
Next, the Board approved amendments to Senior Citizens Exemption, Article II, Chapter 207, of Harrison’s Tax Code, which included extending the exemption from taxes, except school district taxes, beyond those 65 or older to include “persons with disabilities.” To be eligible for the full exemption, the maximum income of the owner or combined income of the owners may not exceed $50,000, an increase from the previous maximum amount of $13,500.
Previously, those seeking the exemption were required to file an application annually in the Assessor’s office on or before June 1. The new date deadline for this filing is May 1. For more information, visit www.harrison-ny.gov/home/pages/agendas-minutes to view the minutes of the meeting or the meeting itself.
The Board also approved Police Chief John Vasta’s two requests. The first was for one department member to attend a Virtual Community American Sign Language Class given by the New York School of Deaf on April 10. The second was for the department to take the mandatory Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Certified Defensive Tactics Instruction Training Course, which will be held at the Louis M. Klein Middle School in April. The cost of the training is $2,880.