Westchester County Historical Society’s 150th Anniversary
In 1874, when Ulysses S. Grant was President of the United States, twenty-one prominent Westchester men started the Westchester County Historical Society. These men, including John Jay, the grandson of the Founding Father and first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Alexander Hamilton, the grandson of the Founding Father and first Secretary of the Treasury, filed the Certificate of Incorporation on October 10, 1874. The extraordinary accomplishments first envisioned by these gentlemen will be celebrated on October 6, 2024, with the Keynote Event, followed by the illumination of the Mario Cuomo Bridge. “A Conversation with Kermit Roosevelt III,” moderated by television anchor Mary Calvi, will be held at SUNY Westchester Community College at 3:00 pm. Mr. Roosevelt, law professor and author of The Nation That Never Was, Reconstructing America’s Story, is the great-great-grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt. That bridge lighting will take place that night when the New York State Thruway Authority will light the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge in the colors of gold and green, representing a 150th Anniversary, and the color of the WCHS logo. This can be viewed on the bridge’s webcam: https://mariomcuomobridge.ny.gov/
“We are pleased and proud to present a compelling program with great relevance today,” said Barbara Davis, Co-Director of the Westchester County Historical Society. “Professor Roosevelt’s book traces the American identity by revisiting the Reconstruction Era and the years that correspond with the founding of our non-profit organization. The illumination of the Mario Cuomo Bridge will be the crowning touch for the day, and a spectacular way to salute the eleventh oldest county historical society in America.”
The free program at SUNY Westchester Community College is open to the public. Seating is limited and reservations can be made by calling (914) 231-1437 or emailing barbara@westchesterhistory.com.