Harrison Little League District 20 Section 3, 12U Champions with Coaches Chris Mondella, Mike Ballone, Manager; and Mike Paolercio
Harrison Meadows Country Club Update Presented at Board Meeting
By Stephen E. Lipken
Harrison Supervisor Richard Dionisio opened a Work Session, on August 10, beginning with a Harrison Meadows Country Club update from HMCC General Manager Patrick Wynn and Ryan Phelps, Vice President of Operations, Indigo Sports.
Wynn referred to HMCC’s Junior Camp encompassing golf, tennis, and basic pool instruction, as well as arts and crafts, plus field games with 22 students each week. Tennis continues until the first week in November.
Food and Beverage Revenue has grown to $1.4 million YTD versus a budget of $896k. Golf Revenue has grown to $2.3 million YTD versus a budget of $1.8M. Total Expenses, 3.1M versus a budget of $2.6M. Although participants pay for pool passes, it is subsidized by the general tax base. Overall profitability of 2023 club operations is predicted between 600-700k before debt service of $1.2 million.
Robert Daniele, Partner, O’Connor Davies Advisory LLC reported that HMCC went from an operating deficit of $600,000 to a profit of $750,000, due to Troon. A 20-year Bond has been issued with the first payment of $1.2 million in July. Troon is trying to mitigate a $1.2 million loss. Residents will get a discount if they pay before January 5th.
The Regular Meeting opened with Supervisor Dionisio presenting Certificates of Appreciation to Harrison Little League 12U softball athletes, the 2023 New York State District 20 champions! Present were coaches, Chris Mondella and Mike Paolercio, and Manager Mike Ballone.
Next, a Public Hearing was opened, Proposed Law Amending Chapter 54, entitled “Residency Requirements.” Resident Mary Malara stressed that residents best know the Town and should get top priority for jobs. Village Attorney Jonathan Kraut explained that this was a revision to an already existing provision of the Town Code, simply adding the Town Attorney. The measure passed by Roll Call Vote.
The Second Public Hearing concerned the proposed Local Law Amending Chapter 235-17 to create a new zoning district GC-RF, “General Commercial Floodplain District.”
Despite many residents’ objections to alleged “overbuilding,” the measure was also passed by Roll Call Vote.