The HHS Marching Band Represented New York in the National Memorial Day Parade
The Harrison High School Marching Band represented New York State in the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC, the largest Memorial Day event in the nation. The HHS band performed “You’re a Grand Old Flag” and Harrison’s fight song, “Huskies,” as they marched down historic Constitution Avenue alongside high school bands and veterans from across the country. Students visited the World War II Memorial to lay a commemorative wreath in honor of Harrison’s veterans and attended the Memorial Day Concert on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol, featuring the National Symphony Orchestra, and toured national museums and monuments. Band members honed their performance skills at a clinic with Colonel Dennis Layendecker, retired commander, music director, and principal conductor of the United States Air Force Band. The parade was broadcast nationwide and live-streamed on the American Veterans Center’s YouTube channel on the day of the event.