Proclamations Awarded to Harrison Central School District Student Food Pantry Volunteers
By Stephen E. Lipken
Since April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, the Harrison Village/Town Board of Trustees meeting on April 3 began with the awarding of Proclamations to Jacob Terrana, Samuel Saes, and Moustafa Elgallad, students in the Harrison High School Functional Academic Skills Education (FASE) program, for their efforts in volunteering for the Food Pantry.
Director of Community Services, Catherine Tammaro, noted that the Harrison Food Pantry serves 175 families each month and accepts a remarkable 2,000 pounds of food weekly. “Volunteers work hard, lifting, cleaning, and organizing to ensure that our pantry remains operational,” Tammaro added. “Beyond the physical work, our volunteers also serve as a touchstone for residents who rely on the pantry.”
Next, the Board approved two probational appointments, those of Laura Short as Office Assistant, Automated, in the Community Services Department and Brianna Garofalo as Senior Office Assistant, Automated.
Also approved by the board was the transfer of funds for the resurfacing of the Bernie Guagnini Park Playground and a request by Village Attorney Jonathan D. Kraut to execute an agreement, following final approval, for a proposed Easement Agreement between 3 WPD Apartments, LLC, Harrison and Westchester Joint Water Works.
Finally, two contracts were approved. The first was Town Engineer Michael Amodeo’s request for a professional services contract with Creighton Manning Engineering, LLP for the Union Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project was approved. Its cost is up to 80% reimbursable through a grant from the NYS Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). The second contract, which is also up to 80% reimbursable through the NYSDOTTAP, is a construction contract for the Union Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project. It was awarded by Harrison to Westchester Hills Landscaping, Inc., contingent on receipt of approval for the New York State Department of Transportation/FHWA concurrence.