
Left to right: Karen Banoff, DNP, VP Operational Performance, White Plains Hospital; Daniel Sammartino, MD, Oncologist, White Plains Hospital; Lisa Edmiston, CST Board Member; and Mark Edmiston, CST Advisory Board Member.

Honoring Those Making a Difference in the Lives of Families Battling Cancer

At last month’s sold-out gala, Cancer Support Team (CST) recognized the vital contributions made by White Plains Hospital Center for Cancer Care (WPHCCC), as well as long-time CST volunteers Lisa and Mark Edmiston.

“Each in their own way have helped to enhance the quality of life for those affected by cancer in Westchester County,” said Tania Weiss, CST’s executive director. 

Representing White Plains Hospital Center for Cancer Care (WPHCCC), Dr. Daniel Sammartino accepted CST’s Wald-Lee Vision Award.  Created in recognition of CST founders Arnold Wald, M.D. and Gayle Lee, R.N., the award is presented to individuals and organizations that have demonstrated concern for the community through personal or philanthropic endeavors.

“Since 2022, WPHCCC and CST have partnered in a unique and innovative program,” said CST board chair Rupert Walters.  “A CST nurse spends 20 hours a week at the Cancer Center, under WPHCCC supervision, working directly with cancer patients who need a little extra help.”

CST’s Barbara Melamed Memorial Award was given to Lisa and Mark Edmiston, residents of Bronxville, and extremely dedicated CST volunteers for many years. The award is presented to those who have made a significant difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families. It is named after the late Barbara Melamed, a CST social worker whose personal experience with cancer gave her a special empathy for her patients.

Held at New Rochelle’s Davenport Mansion, the amount raised at the gala exceeded its goal. “We are so thankful for those in attendance, as well as all the others who have donated to CST,” said Weiss. “Without their generous support, we wouldn’t be able to make available the range of critical services, including on-site nursing education and continued assistance, all of which are free of charge with no regard for a person’s insurance coverage.

Cancer Support Team is a non-profit dedicated to providing free nursing education and support, social work counseling and case management for those dealing with cancer. To do this important work CST relies exclusively on philanthropy to meet the needs of the thousands of cancer patients in the community. Visit